Moving and Improving

I have spent the past couple of weeks working more on the kitchen, with a few side jobs here and there for friends, since Brandy and I are pretty nice people.

We started by working on the kitchen some more; I had to make sure the walls looked fairly decent and then Brandy made a Herculean effort while I was gone by priming and painting the entire kitchen. Now that the walls are painted it almost seems like a real room, sort of. We are going to order the cabinets this week, though it will probably take 4 to 6 weeks for them to arrive. In the interim I have installed the tiles to fill the footprint of the old cabinets over the weekend. No grout yet, but we talking baby steps here. I finally managed to get the outlets looking all right, with the help of some texture in a bottle. I hate doing touch up work; it requires too much attention on the presentation layer, which I have never shown too much affinity for.

Nick finally moved into his newly built condo in the ghetto over the weekend of the 27th. There was a huge crew of 10 who helped to accomplish this task, along with the aid of some heavy machinery. We finished up the move in around 6 hours, with some loafing time included. All in all the new place is pretty nice, despite the blue tape every where. I guess that’s one of the down falls when buying a new home, offset by the fact that no one has every fornicated in the rooms before you have.

Last night we helped some friends of Brandy’s friends put some texture on their bathroom walls. We’ve done this several times in our own house so we managed to knock it out in a few hours, without too many problems. There was sort of a remodeling party going on so there were some other volunteers other than ourselves and the home owners (the red eye is awesome). The work everyone did was not in vain, and the end results (1, 2)look pretty good.