Gaining ground

Having spent the morning in a kind of haze, I was cruising through the normal morning reads and found this post by kottke that had what I thought was a pretty funny way of personality catagorization, although I though the parent’s one was a bit strange. I managed to score an FDIG on the new-and-improved and a INTJ on the tried-and-true tests. I am definitely going to be basing life decisions based on these classifications.

In other good news it looks like FireFox is becoming more and more popular among everyday browsers, whether through preference or fear. I’ve been using it for around a year now, when it was still called FireBird (I know, I’m such an OG, I’m making myself sick) and think it is a really great product. I try to recommend it whenever the question of browsers comes up, but that’s not that often around work (you can’t even log into our company site without IE). It’s nice to know that you can now purchase FireFox merchandise, but I agree with this guy about the size of the logo. I’m still trying to pass along the notion that tabbed browsing is the way to go, instead of window grouping. The world may never know…