Jesus on my mind

This has been a day of Jesus for me. The jesus stuff started today when I saw this post on Dooce that had a Jesus bumper sticker that was pretty funny. Then I saw a post on J-Walk that featured LDS Dresses for special occasions, which I though was funny because pretty much anything involving LDS funny to me now. These two events set the tone for my “Day of Jesus”. I decided to look on Google and see if there were any funny image results for “jesus dress”. I found this result which seemed a little off base, but who am I to argue.

Britney and Madonna

After browsig through the pictures for a while I decided that “jesus dress” was not nearly a funny enough search string, so I decided on “jesus blowjob”, which was a lot funnier that the previous search. Next time I want to find funny pictures I’ll skip right to the vularities.